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Caps, Gowns and Attire

Academic attire is required for the commencement ceremony. All graduates should wear gowns and hoods appropriate for their degree. A friend’s or relative’s gown will not work unless the attire meets the exact requirements for each degree.

Regalia Order and Pick-Up Process

Graduates participating in May Commencement must follow the steps below to order and collect their regalia.

Important Dates:

  • Regalia Pre-Order Deadline: February 28, 2025
  • Regalia Pick-Up and Payment: April 11 - May 16, 2025


Step 1: Pre-Order Your Regalia

  • All graduates are required to complete the regalia pre-order form by February 28, 2025.
  • Note: Payment is due at the time of pick-up, not during pre-order 
  • Review Commencement Curriculum Chart to determine which curriculum to choose. 
  • Note: Students earning two degrees at the same or different ceremonies should wear the regalia of the highest degree they are earning. Students earning two degrees at the same ceremony should wear the tassel color associated with the degree of the college/school they plan to sit with during the ceremony.

Step 2: Pick-Up Your Regalia

  • Starting April 11, graduates can pick up their regalia from the Bulldog Shop in Olmsted Center.
  • Payment must be made when you collect your order. The bookstore accepts cash, credit, and debit payments.
  • We strongly recommend that you remove your regalia from its packaging after pick-up to allow any wrinkles to smooth out before the ceremony. Be sure to attach your tassel to your cap/tam to ensure it is not lost before the ceremony.

Additional Notes:

  • If you are unable to pick up your regalia during the allotted time frame, please contact the University Bookstore for alternative arrangements.
  • Ensure you pick up your regalia before Commencement day, as there will be no on-site distribution.
  • Please reach out to the University bookstore with questions at 515-214-2151.

Bookstore Regalia Pricing

PRODUCT- Student Keepsake regalia Price
Bachelor's/Associate Unit (includes gown, cap, tassel) $47.00
Master's Unit (includes gown, cap, tassel) $49.00
Master's Hood $41.00
Doctoral Unit (includes gown, cap, tassel) $62.00
Doctoral Hood $53.00


Rental regalia - Faculty Price
Bachelor's Unit (includes gown, cap, tassel) $35.00
Master's Unit (includes gown, cap, tassel) $37.00
Doctoral Unit (includes gown, cap, tassel) $55.00
Bachelor's hood $35.00
Master's hood $34.00
Doctoral hood $39.00
Rental tam added to unit $34.00

Each student will receive a tassel with their purchase of appropriate color based upon their degree within their school or college. Students with two degrees may purchase the extra tassel, but only one tassel may be worn during the ceremony.  

The colors associated with the different disciplines are as follows: 

  • Journalism - Crimson 
  • Philosophy - Dark Blue 
  • Arts, Letters General Studies - White 
  • Law - Purple 
  • Physical Education - Sage Green 
  • Business and Commerce - Drab 
  • Public Administration - Peacock Blue 
  • Occupational Therapy - Slate 
  • Science - Golden Yellow 
  • Education - Light Blue 
  • Music - Pink 
  • Social Work - Citron 
  • Fine Arts - Brown 
  • Pharmacy - Olive Green 

Additional Attire Information:

  • Additional ornamentation: Honor medallions are worn only by those students graduating in the University Honors Program (medallions are provided at the ceremony.) Students can wear honor cords for being awarded Latin honors (Summa, Magna and Cum Laude) for Bachelor’s degree students and the Doctoral Pharmacy students. Academic honor cords or pins may be worn if earned from a Drake college or school recognized academic organization. Leadership of the particular academic organization will inform the President’s Committee on Commencement (PCC) of the academic honor item.
  • Registered Student Organizations (R.S.O.) may propose an organizational stole to the Office of Student Inclusion, Involvement, and Leadership (S.I.I.L.). The stole will express cultural expression and identity expression appropriate for the R.S.O. The S.I.I.L. Office will inform the President's Committee on Commencement (P.C.C.) of the requested stole design. The P.C.C. needs to review and approve the stole to be worn, which is then subject to approval by the University President. The R.S.O. must be in good standing with the University at the time of the Commencement Ceremony. The stole design and intent must align with the Mission, Vision, and Non-Discrimination Statement of the University. Students may wear only one stole per ceremony.
  • Any additional ornamentation must receive prior approval by the President's Committee on Commencement (PCC).
  • Note that decorated caps are not permitted.
University Calendar 
University News
February 28, 2025