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Intensive English Program

The Intensive English Program (IEP) is an academic support service designed to help international students enhance their academic success by improving their English language proficiency and increasing their familiarity with US culture. Small classes and individual attention characterize Drake's IEP, where intermediate and advanced level courses are offered. Course placement will be based on scores received through an English proficiency exam, such as TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test.

All IEP courses are academically-focused to improve English language skills as well as familiarity with academic content, vocabulary and US classroom practices.

Drake IEP students have full access to university facilities, including the Library, Health Center, Career Center, recreational facilities, Counseling Center, and, of course, the Office of Global Engagement. They may participate in any campus event or student activity that is available to degree-seeking students. IEP students will learn to access campus services, library holdings, faculty and each other via Drake e-mail, Blackboard, and the MyDrake system.

The IEP is offered during the Fall (15 weeks, August – December) and Spring (15 weeks, January – May).

Fall or Spring (per semester)
    Full-time (≥6 IEP courses) $6,500
  (per course)
    Part-time (<6 IEP courses) $1,300

For full details on program costs, including housing, books, health insurance and other fees, see the Drake IEP Financial Certificate

All students in the IEP must have a high school diploma and at least the minimum required English proficiency exam scores as listed on this page.

Spring & Fall 2024 Update:

The Intensive English Program will not be offering courses offered in Spring or Fall 2024. We will reevaluate our offerings in the future, but in the meantime, courses have been suspended. You can continue to check our website for future offerings, but as of right now, there are no planned classes being offered in 2024.

University Calendar 
University News
February 28, 2025